Homeopathic Provings

Home Homeopathic Provings

A proving is the testing of a potentized substance to find out which symptoms that substance is capable of producing, and hence curing.

A proving is conducted on volunteers who are in a reasonable state of health (provers), and who do not know what substance it is they are taking. Doses are repeated until provers start to experience symptoms of a change in state. The provers record everything they experience, whether physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual, as long as the change in state persists. At the end of the proving all the records are compared to find the physical symptoms, states of mind, feelings, and experiences that the provers have had in common, which can reasonably be attributed to the emerging signature resonance of the substance.

“Provings are the pillars upon which homeopathic practice stands. Without accurate provings all prescribing indications are bound to be vague guesses at best, and pure fiction at worst. There is no other way to predict the effect of any given substance as a remedy with any degree of accuracy, and the use of signatures, toxicology or fancy ideas cannot approximate the precise knowledge gained by a thorough proving.” -The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings by Jeremy Sherr, MCH, FSHom, RSHom

The New York School of Homeopathy strongly supports and encourages the proving of new remedies. We also encourage the circulation of this material throughout the homeopathic community, free of charge.




The NYSH proving of Musca domestica, the Housefly, was published in the June 2001 journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths, The American Homeopath.

Read the Musca Domestica proving Seahorse


The proving of Hippocampus Kuda, the Seahorse, appeared in the 2003 issue of The American Homeopath.

Read the Hippocampus Kuda proving



The proving of Didelphis Virginiana, the Virginia Opossum, was published in the 2008 volume of epathy.com.

Read the Didelphis Virginiana proving


The proving of Thonningia Sanguinea, or ground pineapple was published by Zeus Soft in 2019. 

Read the Thonningia Sanguinea proving


The homeopathic community in 2010 suffered the loss of two very important contributors; David Kent Warkentin and Michael Quinn. David’s visionary creation of MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks has inspired a revolution in modern homeopathic thinking and practice. David changed homeopathy for everyone, forever. Today’s innovative and progressive work in homeopathy would not be possible without his ingenious software programs. His gentle spirit and sweet smile will be sorely missed by all of us who knew him.

Michael Quinn, founder of Hahnemann Laboratory and Pharmacy, was among the most loved and respected figures in modern homeopathy. Besides being an innovator of pharmacy procedures, Michael was a leader in the scientific study of homeopathy. For many years he generously assisted homeopathic provings by creating the remedies from the original substance.  Michael leaves a legacy of great dedication and integrity in his field and in his life.

Modern homeopathy has been profoundly influenced and advanced by of the work of these two men. Their achievements will live on, as we remember their enthusiasm for homeopathy and their invaluable contributions to our wonderful profession.
